Graduate Certificate in Osteopathic Soft Tissue Manipulation

Osteopathic Soft Tissue Manipulation

Two 5-Day Programs on Modified Osteopathic Soft Tissue Manipulation for the full spine, pelvis and upper-lower extremities.

The program Tutor Paddy morrison Osteopathic soft tissue teacher. Supported by Dr Robbie Goodrum DO.ND.PT.MSc & Dr George Papaphotis DC.DO.ND.


Osteopath Soft Tissue Manipulation (Foundation)

General Information 

  • Each day’s program of activity will have its own booklet.
  • Booklets will include the theories and referencing presented and used.
  • Booklets will include pictures and spacing for student notes.
  • Anatomy areas covered will include cervical, thoracic, lumbo-pelvic regions as well as upper and lower extremities.

Foundation Level

General Sports Massage

  • Pre, Inter and Post-event massage
  • Introduction to basic orthopaedic masage techniques
  • Finger, hand, palmar, knuckle, elbow and arm placements
  • Efflerurage, petrissage, tapotement, friction & vibration methods
  • Mechanotherapy and body mobilization techniques

Soft Tissue Releases and Active Tissue Releases


  • How it works, benefits, passive and active forms
  • Physiological versus anatomical range of motion
  • Myofascial release

Muscle energy techniques

  • Post-Isometric Relaxation (PIR)
  • Reciprocal Inhibition (RI)
  • Role of stretch reflex, muscle spindle activity and Golgi Tendon Organs

Positional Release/ Strain Counter-Strain


  • Physiology behind the release
  • Treatment of anterior and posterior release
  • Induration techniques for paraspinals

Neuromuscular Therapy and trigger-point formation theories


  • Factors including ischemia, trigger-points. neural interferences, postural and bio-mechanic dysfunction, nutritions and emotional well-being
  • European version NMT
  • American version NMT


Osteopath Soft Tissue Manipulation (Advanced)

Connective Tissue Massage

  • Skin rolling and tissue lifting
  • Gliding strokes
  • Compression-static and with manipulation
  • Frictioning
  • Use of pressure bars/tools

Respiratory Dysfunctions and Influences

  • Upper and lower cross syndromes
  • Postural adaptations and compensations
  • Assessment of the core and transverse abdominus

Integrated Neuromuscular Inhibition Techniques (INIT) and Endplate Theories

  • Developing palpation skills to locate trigger-points including thermal and skin drag techniques
  • Dynamic neutral for joint & tissue
  • Stacking techniques

Selective Function Movement Assessment

  • Screening for soft tissue dysfunction, joint dysfunction and stability motor control influences-strategies dictated by type of dysfunction
  • Reset, reload & re-enforcement of movement in terms of restoration of body-wide dysfunctions
  • Hierarchy in the treatment of the body in order to allow for homeostasis to return/maintain

Functional Rehabilitation and medical exercise

  • Posture-its effect and how changes effect rehabilitation
  • Proprioception and centre of gravity influences
  • Rehabilition and educating the client of the role in the process

Osteopathic Soft TIssue Technique Manipulation

Graduate Diploma in Osteopathic Soft TIssue Technique

Each Graduate will learn ten differrent technique to complement their treatment

Osteopaths in the UK are similar to a medical doctor, but they use manipulative techniques similar to chiropractors but have a special interest in the soft tissues and muscle imbalances.

You will find that these soft tissue techniques will meld very nicely into your treatment protocols within your chiropractic, osteopathic and physiotherapy treatment session.

Osteopathic Techniques Taught

* NMT Neuromuscular Technique

* MET Muscle Energy Technique

* CTM Connective Tissue Massage

* Strain counter-strain

* Remedial Sports Massage

* Positional Release

* Osteopathy Articulation Techniques – similar to harmonic

* Soft Tissue Release – similar to active release

* Corrective Functional Rehabilitation

Osteopathic Methods Covered

Osteopathic Soft Tissue Manipulation ( an integrative approach ) An exploration of Osteopathic Soft Tissue Techniques for the spine, pelvis and upper and lower extremities. The course will be mostly practical and all notes will be provided. Tutors will be Registered Osteopaths from the U.K.  and Australia.

Course Outline 

Each practitioner will be taught a variety of Osteopathic Soft Tissue techniques to complement their Manual Manipulation Therapy.

Techniques Taught

NMT neuromuscular technique

NMT is related to acupressure or shiatsu and is used in dealing with trigger points or muscular spasm. All these situations of secondary tension, protective spasm and subsequent changes in holding and movement patterns are under the control of the nervous system. Basic mechanical massage techniques may be insufficient to affect this situation. A technique works directly on the nervous system to break the holding pattern and so release the secondary tension is required. In Neuromuscular technique greater changes take place in the soft tissue than can be explained simply by its physical application.NMT goes beyond the direct mechanical effects of massage and used the Neurological system to bring about a soft tissue / neurological reflex action. Osteopaths use this deep pressure technique to re-set pain neurological pathways. ( An in – depth, scientific rationale will be given.)

Muscle Energy Technique (MET)

MET is a collective name for a variety of techniques that stretch or strengthen muscles or break down fibrous adhesions. In muscle energy technique, the patient’s own effort and movement provides the primary force in treating the problem.

These techniques identify tight muscles and allow them to be stretched beyond their present capability by inducing a temporary state of relaxation or inhibition.This state of temporary relaxation is achieved by either post-isometric relaxation or reciprocal inhibition.

Connective Tissue Massage ( CTM – Myofascial Release )

CTM techniques deals with adhesions and scar tissue that form between the muscle fascia and the overlying skin. The lack of plasticity that results from these adhesions can affect the operation of the underlying structure and affect the function of associated organs. This technique works particularly well in the postural and the spinal muscles.

Strain Counter Strain

SCS in a technique to reduce afferent negative nerve impulses from pain sites to the CNS. The technique is gentle but very effective.

SCS addresses the same problems as dealt with by NMT that works in a more subtle manner. Upon locating a tender point, only sufficient pressure is applied to monitor the area. The joint is then moved passively through its range of movement until the least discomfort is experienced by the patient.

This more comfortable position represents the length the tissues were at the time of the trauma, the position in which the proprioceptors reached to create the secondary tension. By holding this position for around 90 seconds the proprioceptors will be able to accept that the traumatic forces are no longer present and so can release the protective tension.

Soft Tissue Release – similar to active release

STR involves putting a muscle into its action ie : shortening it, then fixing its origin and actively moving the joint into its opposite action. This is done several times working from origin to insertion. With all other stretching methods it is possible that due to elasticity of the whole muscle, and/or the range of movement possible at the joint, the stretch may affect the healthy area without effectively penetrating the area of tension. STR is a unique way of locking the tense adhered fibres so the stretch can focus on it and affect a release. Also by combining friction with stretching STR acts to re-align the tangled fibres correctly.

Remedial Sports Massage 

Remedial sport massage will be covered in depth.

Articulation similar to Harmonic technique

・ Passive motion is the only passive physical approach known to optimize tissue repair ( Cochrane Systematic Reviews 2003 )

・ Rhythmic intermittent compression is the most effective way to increase fluid flow in the body

・ Rhythmic stretching is more effective than high velocity or static stretching in elongating tissues.

・ Rhythmic passive movement has a grating effect on pain.

Rhythmic passive movements the essence of articulation, similar to harmonic technique. Research over the last twenty years has demonstrated the importance of movement in many of the body’s processes from homoeostasis to the beneficial effects of passive movement on tissues repair and adaptation. These studies have opened-up new and exciting approaches in treatment of different musculoskeletal conditions as well as the development of the new osteopathic Harmonic Techniques.

In Harmonic Techniques the practitioner induces rhythmic passive movement in different parts of the body. These movements can be used to increase fluid flow (Harmonic Pump Techniques), help resolve inflammation, facilitate tissue regeneration following injury, help in joint repair processes, elongate shortened tissue and help reduce pain.

Positional Release (PRT)

Positional Release Techniques are gentle manual therapy treatments for muscle pain and spasm which involve resetting the muscle tone and enhancing circulation. They are very easily learned soft tissue techniques which give instant results and are most useful to practice. The importance of positional release techniques is based in its gentle application, its ease of use and its massive potential for instant results in conditions of acute spasm and pain. PRT also allows chronic hypertonic tissue to relax. PRT can also be used as part of a integrated therapeutic approach which uses other soft tissue and joint manipulations or mobilizations. An Introduction of PRT will be taught.

Osteopathic Articulation Methods

Osteopathic articulation techniques are passive joint and muscle stretching techniques used by the body via palpation and movement.Tthe Articulation Techniques allows the osteopathic to prepare the joints for HVT/grade 5 long-lever manipulations and during pre and post manipulation the articulation techniques helps with tissue drainage allowing the interchange of tissue fluid, getting good in and waste products out. In depth articulation will be covered.

Fee $1500 USD per 5 day course or $2,800 USD for both ten days.

Fee includes accommodation & breakfast in Asia.

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Our Mission…

Our mission is to help the professional practitioner perfect their diagnostic and manipulating skills, to enable him or her offer the best to their patients.