Award Graduate Certificate in Manipulative Therapy & Certificate in Advanced Postural Biomechanical Correction

Our APBC SI J and spinal course is currently 2 x 5 day programs. It’s strongly advised to study both parts to be a effective & safe practitioner.

logo for Brian Robbie

Award Graduate Certificate in Manipulative Therapy & Advanced Postural Biomechanical Correction Technique.

Post nominal letters: Grad Cert Man Ther
Grad Cert APBC Technique



Our manual therapy program APBC Technique taught in this program is 90% hands-on. This is a technique workshop, so you need a basic knowledge of anatomy physiology & pathology prior to entrance.

Our APBC Technique full spine program & pelvic region is currently 2 x 5 day programs, 10 days in total.

It’s strongly advised  to study both parts to be an effective & safe APBC manual therapy practitioner. technique part 2 covers complicated pelvic issues and a multitude of Disc pathologies. 


logonewok                                       Robbie

Founder APBC Technique Robbie Goodrum physiotherapist & Osteopath UK. Diploma Chiropractic Australia and Certificate Chiropractic Palmer West Chiropractic College 



Dr Joy Intana DO, DPT, PT, APBC, Grad Dip Man Ther
Head Instructor APBC (Global)

APBC Advanced Postural Biomechnical Correction (Part 1) Graduate Certificate in Manipulative Therapy, Requires a 30 min theory exam and 15 min practical exam to pass our APBC level 1.

An APBC certificate of attendance in APBC part 1 will be awarded to everyone if they choose not to take the short test.

Post nominal letters following practical course & examinations: Grad Cert Man Ther APBC Technique

Q. Is APBC Technique the same as Chiropractic or Osteopathy ?
A. No. APBC is an independent technique in its own right.
APBC technique has its roots from Chiropractic & Osteopathy, but it’s now a totally different philosophy assessment and technique with 100% of Robbie’s own safe unique techniques..

The Program Details:
Our training programs are unique and combine the best, safest short-lever techniques inspired by Chiropractic methods and Osteopathy.
Now we have our own unique APBC Technique assessment, manipulative, mobilisation, soft tissue, fascia & nerve stretching technique + simple rehab develop by Robbie Goodrum & Dr Joy Intana.

APBC part 1 The certificate course will include HVT manipulation mobilisation, Osteopathic – articulation method, Osteopathic soft tissue for the full spine and pelvis using only the best technique from Modified Osteopathy and Chiropractic. Plus a focus on APBC Technique. In this course, there is no Extremity or specific Disc adjusting.

All our training is focused on Dr Robbie’s APBC Technique to make it safer for the patient and practitioners but remaining an effecting technique.

What do you learn ?

  • History Philosophy of APBC Technique, Osteopathy & Chiropractic and how their techniques reflect their philosophy & assessment methods.
  • Understanding of subluxation & degeneration chiropractic model of thinking.
  • Practical Lab is 90% of our program (It’s a technique workshop)
  • Orthopaedic examination for Cervical, thoracic & lumbar Disc, facet, including differential diagnosis for TOS, Carol tunnel syndrome, pronator teres syndrome.
  • Upper and lower neurological exam
  • Orthopeadic examination of entire spine.
  • George’s test Vascular VBI discussion
  • A variety of Osteopathic lumbar thoracic, cervical articulation, a harmonic stretching mobilisation method to assess somatic dysfunction (stiffness) and treat myofascia/capsule facet restrictions
  • Osteopathic cervical soft tissue technique
  • Supine APBC short-lever HVT manipulation for the spine facet joints from C7-C3, Cervical OA, AA joints.

Click here to find out the different in a “real subluxation”  & minor misalignments ?

APBC Short Lever Atlas safe C1 manipulation

Grade 5 HVT techniques are taught in dept on each level of the spine. C7-C3, OA & AA joints.


APBC Technique for Occiput Rotation (Posterior Right, anterior Left)



APBC Adjuster Instrument Technique for Occiput Rotation (Posterior Right, anterior Left)



APBC  Technique for Inferior Occiput (Inferior Left)



APBC adjuster Instrument Technique for C1 lateral Left

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APBC HVT Technique for C1 lateral Right



APBC adjuster Instrument Technique for T7 – PR associated with Rib

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APBC adjuster Instrument Technique for T7  – PL associated with Rib

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APBC for T7 – PL butterfly technique associated with Rib



APBC mobilisation Technique for T7 – PL 



APBC  Technique for Global twisted rib cage


APBC adjuster instrument technique for Base Anterior / Couter-nutation Sacrum



APBC Technique for IN and Ex Ilium (Left EX, Right IN)


We do not teach Osteopathic long-lever HVT manipulation.
Why ? The lumbar roll & osteopathic manipulation generally uses too much torsion/rotation which can further traumatize the annulus fibrosis of the Disc and capsular structures .

Example of a modern osteopathic lumbar roll. Nevertheless it’s still a bad technique for Disc problems.

We have much better APBC short-lever lumbar and pelvic techniques, which are safer for the operator and patient. Seen as below Ilio-sacral manipulation. Antertiorising the ilia on sacrum

PI push

APBC Sacral Rotation Push Involved Side Up

Image 38

APBC Push L1-5 Mammillary Push 

mammillary push

What happens in the next 3 days ?

APBC techniques taught includes: modified improved Chiropractic taught as APBC short-lever manipulation for pelvis, including ilium, sacrum, Coccyx and pubic Joint & lumbar spine.
We also teach a globally twisted rib-cage which will maintain a pelvic imbalance. This course teaches a Modified Short-lever APBC assessment &
Manipulation Techniques similar to Diversified & Gonstead chiropractic with nice modifications, taught as our APBC technique. We also introduce the Goodrum APBC Drop table technique similar to Thompson drop chiropractic and a hand held manipulation instrument similar to an Activator Adjusting Instrument called an “Adjuster pro”.

Note the APBC drop table technique may only be taught if the country hosting the course has a drop table.
This course will teach the full spine and Pelvis. The techniques taught in this program are 90% hands-on.
Note: Our modified Chiropractic & Osteopathic training is our APBC “Advanced Postural Biomechanical Correction technique” advanced and improved version of that which is being taught in the chiropractic & osteopathic colleges.

We have Testimonials from DO’s & DC’s click here

Dr Robbie, Dr Joy and our team of global APBC teachers teach Dr Robbie’s APBC technique that developed over 30 years. The technique is modified from UK Osteopathy, USA/Australia and Chiropractic with some physio thinking too .


Program APBC part 1

Program 2 APBC part 1

Program 3 APBC part 1

Course dates                     Booking form                    testimonials

CLICK HERE for more details of Graduate Certificate in Manipulative Therapy APBC part 1

Our Mission…

Our mission is to help the professional practitioner perfect their diagnostic and manipulating skills, to enable him or her offer the best to their patients.