Robbie Goodrum is an osteopath and physiotherapist & sport-therapist (UK trained & Registered). He has had 2 years training in chiropractic technique from Palmer West Chiropractic school in the USA. He has worked with Dr George Papas DC.DO.ND for 4 years.
More about Robbie:
Currently Robbie is 52 years old. He started training in his early 20’s in holistic sports massage for 2 years, then sports-therapy, physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic, naturopathy, applied kinesiology, herbal medicine, homeopathy, biomechanics and orthotics. 20 years education full and part time with 25 years experience.
Accidents Happen !
In late 2005 Robbie had a bicycle accident, RTA with a car at 50kph. Robbie needed 8 orthopaedic surgeries on his left knee, both hips, left shoulder and cervical spine with a Disc replacement in 2010. Robbie’s had beautiful face reconstruction. Also he lost his right eye and now wears a right prosthetic eye. Paradoxically loosing his right eye helped him see Vectors and planes and Axis more clearly. Also Robbie’s palpation sensitivity improved and hearing in both ears. He also has now heightened smell sensitivity.
What happened next & why APBC was born ?
Robbie retired from Therapy moved to the warm of Thailand to recover. Robbie received his 8 operations from 2005-2015 and has now regained 95% full strength and mobility. The accidents nearly disabled him.
The future is bright !!
APBC was born out of Robbie’s accidents his rehabilitation and the education.
Robbie applied everything he knew to heal himself over the past 11 years.
“Sometimes when we are down and can’t see the light in the total darkness, out of adversity, if you persist, triumph will prevail” Robbie Goodrum 2015